Wednesday 9 December 2015

Work base learning

For my work base learning I made a logo for somebody's Facebook and YouTube pages.
I got the job through a friend who told me he knew a guy who needed needed someone to make a logo for him, so I took the job and then I got in contact with the him through e-mail.

My client vaguely knew what he wanted, he sent me an image of some sketches that showed the kind of logo he wanted, and then I go to work by sketching lots of different that were similar to what he had shown me. I did this so I could get familiar with what i was going to make and to see if I could create any improvements to what he had shown me.

After sending the sketches to him, he told me which ones he liked most and then I got to work on doing some extra experimenting and refining them in illustrator.
Making different versions of the logo icon and trying out different fonts
trying out different logo and text positions
He wanted me to test out colours so I did

Trying to find different ways I could improve the look of the logo

More font testing

finalizing the logo

The final logo

After finishing the logo he then asked me if I could create an intro and outro animation for his music videos on YouTube, I agreed to do so and then soon began development on the animation in flash.
The animation took quite a bit of time as I was already quite busy with college work and also because my client wasn't too sure of how he wanted the animation to be made so I made lots of different iterations of the animations.

We finally found an animation that he liked and you can see the final version in one of his videos here. 

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